This aparthotel is situated very close to the beautiful beach of Son Bauló, on the norhteast side of the island, in Can Picafort. Within walking distance, guests will be able to find countless shopping venues as well as many restaurants, bars and pubs. The natural park of SAlbufera and the town of Alcúdia can be reached within a short drive. The islands capital, Palma, and the international airport are 55 km and 67 km respectively. This is a perfect place to enjoy relaxing holidays under the Mediterranean sun. This aparthotel is situated very close to the beautiful beach of Son Bauló, on the norhteast side of the island, in Can Picafort. Within walking distance, guests will be able to find countless shopping venues as well as many restaurants, bars and pubs. The natural park of SAlbufera and the town of Alcúdia can be reached within a short drive. The islands capital, Palma, and the international airport are 55 km and 67 km respectively. This is a perfect place to enjoy relaxing holidays under the Mediterranean sun.
This aparthotel is situated very close to the beautiful beach of Son Bauló, on the norhteast side of the island, in Can Picafort. Within walking distance, guests will be able to find countless shopping venues as well as many restaurants, bars and pubs. The natural park of SAlbufera and the town of Alcúdia can be reached within a short drive. The islands capital, Palma, and the international airport are 55 km and 67 km respectively. This is a perfect place to enjoy relaxing holidays under the Mediterranean sun. This aparthotel is situated very close to the beautiful beach of Son Bauló, on the norhteast side of the island, in Can Picafort. Within walking distance, guests will be able to find countless shopping venues as well as many restaurants, bars and pubs. The natural park of SAlbufera and the town of Alcúdia can be reached within a short drive. The islands capital, Palma, and the international airport are 55 km and 67 km respectively. This is a perfect place to enjoy relaxing holidays under the Mediterranean sun.
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